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Module-Node πŸ”—

[TECH ED] Prepare for live session πŸ”— Clone

Node Week 1 playlist

Why are we doing this?

It is essential to start learning new concepts and ideas before Saturday’s session. During the week, we expect you to get stuck and form questions about the new content so you can address misconceptions during Saturday’s session. The prep work here will introduce you to the new concepts for the week.

Maximum time in hours (Tech has max 16 per week total)


How to get help

Share your blockers in your class channel

  • :brain: Prep work
  • πŸ• Priority Mandatory
  • πŸ‚ Size Medium
  • πŸ“… Node
  • Week 1
[TECH ED] Call an API πŸ”— Clone


Why are we doing this?

This task will get you to really think about the response you get back from an API. In addition, it will encourage you to use Chrome Dev Tools to examine the response you get back from a server.

Look at a request in Chrome Dev Tools
In Google Chrome, open dev tools network tab and enter this URL into the browser: http://api.tvmaze.com/shows/82/episodes

Answer the following questions:
What’s the status code the server sent back?
What HTTP method did the browser use to make the request?
What is the request path?
What is the first line of the response body?
What is the value of the response header called “Content-Type” ?
What is the value of the request header called “User-Agent”

Maximum time in hours


How to submit

Share your answers with the other trainees in your Buddy Group or on your Slack class channel.
Did you get different answers to other people? Ask them how they worked them out!

  • πŸ• Priority Mandatory
  • πŸ‚ Size Medium
  • πŸ“… Node
  • Week 1
[TECH ED] 🏝️ Stretch challenges πŸ”— Clone


Why are we doing this?

These tasks will get you to further develop your skills by implementing more functionality for your server projects.

You can find the stretch section in the README under the 🏝 Stretch challenge heading.

This is just a note to remind you that the stretch is available, and fun!

  • 🏝️ Priority Stretch
  • πŸ“… Node
  • Week 1
[PD] Brag Diary πŸ”— Clone

Coursework content

Write your first entry for your Brag Diary.

This will be the record of your achievements, the moments you feel proud about yourself. Think positively, you might find more to write than you think. Take turns to present your diary entries in your group meetings with your PD buddy or your study group.

Estimated time in hours


What is the purpose of this assignment?

This assignment will help you to capture, record, remember, share and celebrate your achievements.

How to submit

Share the link for the Google doc you prepared on your own coursework project board.

  • πŸ• Priority Mandatory
  • πŸ‡ Size Small
  • πŸ“… Node
  • Week 1
[TECH ED] 🏝️ Stretch challenges πŸ”— Clone


Why are we doing this?

These tasks will get you to further develop your skills by implementing more functionality for your server projects.

Check out the tasks underneath the 🏝 Stretch challenges heading in the README.

Maximum time in hours


How to get help

Share your blockers in your class channel

How to submit

Follow the instructions on the linked repo

  • 🏝️ Priority Stretch
  • πŸ‚ Size Medium
  • Week 1